Jigsaw @ Home
We now have a new resource page created especially for our younger members - Jigsaw@Home. Check out the web page for a worship plan and some excellent ideas for kids this Palm Sunday. Click on the image or click here to access the page,
First@Home - Palm Sunday 5th April, 2020
The message for Palm Sunday is now available on our ‘First@Home’ page which you can access via the above link or by clicking here…
Using the story of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, His cleansing of the temple and His acts of healing as told in Matthew 21:1-17, Stephen examines prayer as God’s welcome, God’s cleansing and God’s healing.
Preparing for the National Day of Prayer
In a joint statement on Friday, Presbyterian Moderator, Rt Rev Dr William Henry, and the leaders of the Church of Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, Roman Catholic Church, and the Irish Council of Churches, together with other denominations and Christian organisations, issued a call to pray over the current Coronavirus emergency. It will take place on Palm Sunday.
Writing in a special blog today, Dr Henry provides some background and practical prayer points ahead of the forthcoming Day of Prayer, which will be held between 3pm and 4 pm on Palm Sunday, 5th April.
“The challenges faced by our world are without parallel in living memory, and the effect upon our society is stark. No one is untouched by the impact of this virus.
So, what is our first response? Yes, we will follow all government advice but let’s, with primary urgency, call upon the one who has the power to change and stop anything, ‘Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always’ (1 Chronicles 16:11), Dr Henry wrote.
“With the leaders of the main churches in Ireland, I have called for a National Day of Prayer throughout Ireland...Materials will be provided here on the PCI website, so get together with your family in prayer, and join me in asking God to deliver our land and our world.”
The Moderator concluded by saying, “I ask you to share this Call to Prayer so that across Ireland we are united in prayer in that hour.”
For everyone taking part, Dr Henry has provided a simple, flexible framework for spending an hour in prayer. He has also included particular prompts for prayer for children in each section.
Beginning with ‘Preparation: Calming our hearts to pray’, the Moderator has chosen Psalm 46:10, ‘Be still and know that I am God, which then leads in to The Lord’s Prayer. Dr Henry has then suggested the following setting:
Praise: Centring our thoughts on God as comforter and his work in us and through us - 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Parable: Calling us to neighbourliness and community - Luke 10: 25-37
Promise: Creating peace through faith in Christ - John 16:33,
Parting: Committing one another to the Lord’s keeping - Numbers 6:24-26
Palm Sunday - call to prayer
In a joint statement, Presbyterian Moderator, Rt Rev Dr William Henry, joined the leaders of the Church of Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, Roman Catholic Church, and the Irish Council of Churches, to pay tribute to everyone in the health and social care services and those in the frontline, for their courage in the battle against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The leaders of Ireland’s main Churches, together with other denominations and Christian organisations, also issued a call to pray, which will take place on Palm Sunday, 5 April from 3pm-4pm.
See more information on the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s web page here.
An update from Stephen
Stephen sends a update to the congregation from the manse, with a reminder that we continue our spiritual journey towards Easter with the latest in our Redemption series this Sunday.
Remember to log in to our First@Home page for this week’s message. You can find the link on the home page of our website.
A message from Stephen
With the government restrictions on public meetings we have had to suspend our Sunday morning worship service. However, as Christians we are blessed to know that God is with us in all places and at all times, therefore we have every opportunity to continue in our worship of Him in our own homes. At First, we have put together this new resource - First@Home - to help you and your family worship together, so that you can continue to seek God and enjoy His presence.
Click the link below to access the new ‘First @ Home’ page which will be live from Sunday morning on 22nd March.
News update - church organisations cancelled until further notice
In light of the evolving government advice in the United Kingdom regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the following formal advice has been issued to all PCI congregations:
All congregational organisations and activities should cease until further notice.
All Sunday gatherings for worship should cease until further notice.
Until further notice, steps should be taken to ensure that numbers attending funeral services and weddings are kept as low as possible.
Due to these clear guidelines we will no longer be physically meeting together for our Sunday morning services. However, we are glad to move into a new worship experience together. Later in the week, we will post information on how you can access Sunday morning's message. Keep an eye out for it.
As a church we are here for each other so if you have concerns or fears please be assured of our support and prayers in this time. If anyone needs help in any way please contact me. No one should be alone or fearful.
Stephen McCracken
COVID-19 update
Given the increased restrictions that are being applied, and anticipated future risks, we have decided that our ‘Café Church’ service scheduled for Sunday 15th March at 6:30pm will be cancelled.
The morning service is anticipated to take place as normal, with a few extra precautions to try to limit the spread of infection. See our post from yesterday for further information and advice.
If your own health concerns mean that you cannot join us as we gather for worship, please be assured of our concern and our prayers. We will endeavour to have the podcast available shortly after the service.
Click this link for the latest advice from NHS.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice
Psalm 46.1-2
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear…”
In the midst of uncertainty and an evolving situation I remind you of this promise of Psalm 46. And as a church we are here for each other so if you have concerns or fears please be assured of our support and prayers in this time. And if anyone needs help in any way please contact me. No one should be alone or fearful.
Everyone should follow all public health guidance provided by the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland –see www.publichealth.hscni.net.
Stephen McCracken (07840420265)
1. Good hand hygiene is the most effective protection.
· Catch your cough or sneeze in a tissue, bin it and wash your hands.
· We have cleaned all hard surfaces and especially often touched areas (e.g. door handles).
2. Symptoms to be aware of:
· The symptoms to be aware of in the case of the Coronavirus include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, and fever.
· If you feel ill and display influenza–like symptoms you should stay at home and not come to church services and activities until you feel well.
3. Pastoral Care:
· We will provide pastoral support for anyone who is unable to attend church services because they are exhibiting influenza–like symptoms. But this care may be provided by telephone or online (e.g. Skype).
· We are asked to take special care when visiting hospitals, residential and nursing homes. Regular visits may not advisable. But we will always be available if pastoral care is requested and we will follow the advice of health care professionals.
Christmas Cantata 2019
We are holding our annual Christmas Cantata at 7pm on Friday 13th December and again on Sunday 15th December, also at 7pm.
The Cantata is a unique telling of the Christmas Story in song and word.
This year, the Cantata is entitled ‘Love, Joy, Peace’.
Harvest Thanksgiving at First
On Sunday 20th October, we celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving in our morning worship at 11:30am and again in the evening at 7:00pm.
The preparation of the church will take place on the morning of Saturday 19th October. Gifts of flowers, fruit and vegetables can be left in the church hall from 9:30am. Volunteers are required to help decorate the sanctuary from 10am onwards.
On Monday 21st October, we plan to distribute the Harvest gifts to those in the wider community and also to Ballymoney Foodbank. Again, if you can assist with delivering these items, please speak to Helen McCrellis.
There will be a special Harvest Collection at our morning service for the Building & Repair Fund. The loose offering at the evening service will go to the work of CAP (Christians Against Poverty) to assist those in need in our local community. Gifts of non perishable food items will be greatly appreciated this weekend, and will go to support Ballymoney Foodbank.
DNA Men's Conference 2019
November 2nd 2019
Now into a 5th year, the DNA Men's Conference gathers hundreds of men from all over Ireland and beyond as we worship, celebrate, laugh, and above all encounter Jesus as we get to grips and challenge each other with His plan for our lives. Each year we have seen men come to faith in Jesus for the first time and this year we are believing God for even more.
"After you have done everything, to stand. Stand Firm." Ephesians 6:13A/14B
We are thrilled with our new venue partners: Carnmoney Church and their incredible new facilities that will allow us to change things around this year with break out sessions in the afternoon with array of topics & speakers as well as big improvements with our catering!
Tickets are £25 and include: breakfast (NEW), lunch with tea & coffee throughout the day.
Special group discount: get 10 tickets for the price of 9 (via the office only).
As part of the Conference this year we will be showing the 2019 Rugby World Cup Final.
See more at the CVM website - cvm.ie.
NI Voiceless
On 10 July 2019, the Westminster parliament voted in favour of an amendment to the Northern Ireland Executive Formation Bill that would liberalise abortion legislation in Northern Ireland. The bill, including this amendment, will take effect after 21 October if the Stormont executive is not reinstated by then.
This silent protest at the vote and its repercussions says:
a) We were not asked. Westminster has legislated for us without hearing us. Every sitting Northern Ireland MP voted against these changes, the people of Northern Ireland were not consulted, and there is no public support in Northern Ireland for the kind of wholesale legalisation of abortion that has been planned.
b) They cannot speak. Westminster has ignored the unborn child. The human individuals whose lives will be ended if abortion is legalised have no voice in the debate and many speeches in parliament concerning this amendment dehumanised the unborn child and disregarded its value and right to life.
People of all ages and all religions and political persuasions are welcome – anyone who objects to this planned change to the law. We need as many people as possible to express their concerns in silent dignity.
This protest is not affiliated with any religious or political organisation and is not coordinated by any organisation or campaign group. It has been planned by concerned citizens of Northern Ireland who wish to express our deep dissatisfaction with this intended change in a law we consider to be good.
Gather at the lower gates of Stormont Estate for 7pm. At the blow of a whistle we will walk silently and slowly to the foot of the steps to Parliament Buildings where we will stand in silence, heads bowed and lights held high, for six minutes (one for each county) until another whistle is blown.’
Morning services at 11am during July and August...
Just a reminder that during the months of July and August, our morning service begins half an hour earlier than usual at 11am. We revert to our usual time of 11:30am in September.
The installation of Rev Stephen McCracken
On the evening of 20th June, 2019, the Presbytery of Route installed Rev Stephen McCracken as minister of First Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney.
The Moderator of Presbytery, Rev Rodney Moody, presented the call to worship, introduced the first item of praise and led the congregation in prayer.
Next, Rev Mark Jones delivered a sermon looking at God’s abundant provision for His people and the hope we have in Christ.
After a few words from Rev Kenneth Crowe, the offering in aid of the Students’ Bursary Fund was taken. Following this, the Moderator and the Clerk of Presbytery set out the Rule of Faith and put set questions to the new minister regarding his adherence to the standards of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and his subscription to the Westminster Confession of Faith.
The congregation then stood for the Act of Installation after which the Aaronic blessing was sung.
The choir then sang the anthem ‘Be Thou My Vision’ and, after the congregational praise, Rev Kenneth Crowe, previously Convener of the Vacancy, presented a ‘charge’ to the new minister and the congregation.
After the benediction, the Commission of Presbytery left the sanctuary for a few minutes, but returned after changing out of ceremonial robes to present some speeches.
Rev Kenneth Crowe introduced the various speakers after the formal proceedings were concluded. A representative from both of Rev Stephen McCracken’s previous congregations in Derramore and Drumachose spoke, after which Neil Robinson, our clerk of session, addressed the congregation.
Neil acknowledged the sense of loss that the Drumachose and Derramore congregations may be feeling. He also thanked Kenneth for his work and guidance as convener of the vacancy. A gift was then presented to Rev Crowe as well as a gift of flowers for his wife, presented by Natasha Hamilton. Flowers were also given to Mrs McCracken, presented by Oliver Owens.
Finally, Rev McCracken addressed the congregation as the new minister of First Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney and prayed with the congregation.
Thereafter, the congregation adjourned to the church halls for fellowship over supper.
Forthcoming installation of Rev Stephen McCracken as minister of First.
Having received a call from members of First Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney, Rev Stephen McCracken will be officially installed as the new minister at a service in the church planned for Thursday 20th June at 7:30pm.
Stephen has been minister of the joint congregations of Derramore and Drumachose, Limavady since 2007. The installation service is organised by the Route Presbytery and will involve an address by Rev Mark Jones of Roseyards Presbyterian Church, and a charge to the new minister and the congregation by the Convener of the Vacancy, Rev Kenneth Crowe.
After his installation, Stephen will conduct his first Sunday worship service with his new congregation on Sunday 23rd June.
Rev Stephen McCracken elected as new minister of First
The congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney met tonight (Friday 3rd May) to vote on whether or not to issue a call to Rev Stephen McCracken to become the new minister of First.
Rev. Stephen A. McCracken B.D., Dip.Min., M.Phil is the minister of Derramore and Drumachose Presbyterian Churches in Limavady.
Stephen preached on Sunday 28th April at the morning and evening services at First.
Tonight at the stated meeting, the congregation voted overwhelmingly in favour of issuing a call to Stephen and, after being advised of the result of the congregation’s vote, Stephen agreed to accept the call. The date for the service of installation is to be arranged.
Join in the special Week of Prayer from 3-10 February 2019
A word from the Moderator
“I want to encourage people to use my moderatorial theme as a starting point: 'Building relationships: Christ’s love compels us'. As I have developed my theme, I have stressed the importance of growing in our personal walk with Jesus Christ and have been mindful that the Christian life rises and falls at the point of the devotional.
“During the week, I would encourage you individually, therefore, to take some extra time to be still in God’s presence and to wait upon him.
“It would be wonderful if congregations in local areas would consider coming together at some suitable time. It may be possible to meet in different homes or to sign up with one or two others in your congregation. I hope that churches will be as creative, flexible and imaginative as possible as they seize the initiative at a local level.”
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Resources are available to download from the PCI website to help congregations join together in prayer across the denomination with the theme 'Building relationships: Christ’s love compels us'.
Each day will cover different themes, including worship and praise, our personal walk with Jesus Christ, congregational life and witness and outreach to our wider community.