A resource to enable us to continue to worship God wherever we are….
Welcome To Church Without Walls!
We have had some restrictions in the past two years because of COVID-19. Restrictions have since been eased, but we are aware that some people may choose not to attend worship in person at this time.
As Christians, we are blessed to know that God is with us in all places and at all times, therefore we have every opportunity to continue in our worship of Him in our own homes. At First, we have put together this page of resources to help you and your family worship together, so that you can continue to seek God and enjoy His presence.
Set aside some time in a comfortable space away from noises and distractions.
During the morning or as you prepare to worship, you might want to listen to (and sing along to) some of your favourite worship songs. This might be, for example, over breakfast, or as you make a coffee to have as you watch the message. YouTube has a number of videos that have the lyrics and the music playing together and, if you are worshipping with children, you will find many pieces of kids’ praise that show the actions along with lyrics and music. Enjoy praising Him together!
2. pray
Begin your worship by reminding yourself of how awesome our God is. Thank Him for what he has done for you (sometimes simply listing some of your blessings can be a practical way to approach this). As you reflect on His mercy and grace, confess the ways in which you have fallen short this week and accept His wonderful forgiveness, made possible through Christ’s death on the cross. (This does not require fancy language or a set process. Remember, God knows you and He loves you, so simply speak to Him about your failings and joyfully express your gratitude for His Grace). If you have children, encourage them to say something they are grateful to God for and something they are sorry for.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
3. listen to this week’s sermon
Our morning worship is “live streamed” on YouTube each week and you can join us at 11am on Sundays.
For our YouTube channel where you can watch previous weeks’ services, click here…
4. discuss what you have heard
Whether you are on your own or in a group, you might find it useful to ask the following questions:
What is God saying to me through His word?
How can I apply this teaching to my situation?
How will it change how I live my life from now on?
5. PraY about what you have heard
Finally pray again. You may wish to do this while you listen to some more worship music. This is your time to personally speak to God about what has impacted you.
Thank God for His word and what you have received from Him. Ask God to show you how you can respond practically to the message.
Think about how what you have heard and read might affect your thoughts, attitudes and actions in the days and weeks ahead. Ask God to challenge you to live out your faith and help you to follow Jesus more closely.
Whether we meet together in the church sanctuary or in our own homes, we continue to be the body of Christ in the community and it is good that we set aside time to worship our God along with our brothers and sisters around the world. While it is possible to feel more isolated at this time, we want to assure members that we are available to provide prayerful support as well as pastoral and practical care. We have added a contact form so that you can get in touch with our minister, Revd Stephen McCracken. If you have any questions that you want to ask about the passage or the study, feel free to contact Stephen using the form below.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”