Preparing for the National Day of Prayer
In a joint statement on Friday, Presbyterian Moderator, Rt Rev Dr William Henry, and the leaders of the Church of Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, Roman Catholic Church, and the Irish Council of Churches, together with other denominations and Christian organisations, issued a call to pray over the current Coronavirus emergency. It will take place on Palm Sunday.
Writing in a special blog today, Dr Henry provides some background and practical prayer points ahead of the forthcoming Day of Prayer, which will be held between 3pm and 4 pm on Palm Sunday, 5th April.
“The challenges faced by our world are without parallel in living memory, and the effect upon our society is stark. No one is untouched by the impact of this virus.
So, what is our first response? Yes, we will follow all government advice but let’s, with primary urgency, call upon the one who has the power to change and stop anything, ‘Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always’ (1 Chronicles 16:11), Dr Henry wrote.
“With the leaders of the main churches in Ireland, I have called for a National Day of Prayer throughout Ireland...Materials will be provided here on the PCI website, so get together with your family in prayer, and join me in asking God to deliver our land and our world.”
The Moderator concluded by saying, “I ask you to share this Call to Prayer so that across Ireland we are united in prayer in that hour.”
For everyone taking part, Dr Henry has provided a simple, flexible framework for spending an hour in prayer. He has also included particular prompts for prayer for children in each section.
Beginning with ‘Preparation: Calming our hearts to pray’, the Moderator has chosen Psalm 46:10, ‘Be still and know that I am God, which then leads in to The Lord’s Prayer. Dr Henry has then suggested the following setting:
Praise: Centring our thoughts on God as comforter and his work in us and through us - 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Parable: Calling us to neighbourliness and community - Luke 10: 25-37
Promise: Creating peace through faith in Christ - John 16:33,
Parting: Committing one another to the Lord’s keeping - Numbers 6:24-26
A message from Stephen
With the government restrictions on public meetings we have had to suspend our Sunday morning worship service. However, as Christians we are blessed to know that God is with us in all places and at all times, therefore we have every opportunity to continue in our worship of Him in our own homes. At First, we have put together this new resource - First@Home - to help you and your family worship together, so that you can continue to seek God and enjoy His presence.
Click the link below to access the new ‘First @ Home’ page which will be live from Sunday morning on 22nd March.