Thursday prayers
This Sunday we will be looking at the famous words of Jesus in Matthew 6.19-24.
Look at the illustration below:
· How would you have illustrated the verse?
· Why did the artist put a lock to illustrate it and not a treasure chest or something else?
· What’s your treasure?
As the reality of what Covid-19 means for all of life, we pray for every area of our family and community life.
· Pray for the shop owners you know whose livelihood depends on the business?
· Pray for those in critical care who have come under increased work pressure when many of us have appreciated space to work.
· Pray for us as a church as we begin to plan ahead about how we will do worship and ministry. What will this mean for our vulnerable adults, our families, our children?
· But more than anything else, this is a wonderful opportunity for our faith to shine.