Unprecedented - New “digital” Lifegroup series
Listening to your heart > Learning from God's Word > Living out in your life
Until Covid-19 lockdown restrictions on gatherings are significantly eased, many congregational small groups have moved from the living room to the digital space. This significantly changes the group dynamic in ways we are still finding our way around. Meetings need to be well facilitated around a shorter, sharper framework which allows participants to catch up with each other pastorally, reflect on what God is saying in this moment and respond with renewed faith in him and following in his ways for their lives.
“Unprecedented” recognises that we are living through a once in a lifetime event that offers lessons for the rest of our lives. Each session revolves around a one word theme related to life in the lockdown. Three parts, each offering a question to which group members can respond, form the framework for sharing together. Participants can download each session to their mobile device and keep the content before them during the session.
Listening to your heart
Calling for reflection and offering a cue for pastoral awareness of individual circumstances.
Q. How have you found your experience of this session’s theme during the lockdown?
Learning from God's Word
Offering a section of Scripture and asking:
Q. How do you find this verse a challenge or encouragement?
Living out in your life
Moving to life application.
Q. How will what you have thought about bring change to the way you live now and in the future?
Find out more from PCI’s website here…
Contact Helen via this link if you would like to know more.
“A short, sharp framework which allows participants to catch up with each other pastorally, reflect on what God is saying in this moment and respond with renewed faith in him and following in his ways for their lives.”